Step 1. We help you to find a lawyer.

We need you to send us your personal details so that we can setup an account for you. Two things will happen when you do this.

  1. We will send you a link with some more detailed information on our service:
    • Our Client Brochure
    • Our Lawyer Brochure
    • Our Terms and Conditions
    • Our Privacy Policy
    • Our Service Agreement with our lawyers
  2. We will send you your login details so that you can continue the process.
    • This confirms that you have access to the email address you gave us
    • When you login for the first time you will be asked to change your password
  3. We will send you a code by SMS text
    • Once you have logged in you will see that your cell phone number is unverified
    • You need to ckick on it and we will send you a text or phone you with a OTP (One Time Password)
    • This confirms that you have access to the cellphone number you listed in your details

Once your cell phone number has been verified you can now file your case. Just enter in all of your details and those of the other parties so that the lawyers in your city can check for any conflicts of interest which would stop them from representing you.

You are the Plaintiff and the other party is the Defendant. You can also have as many parties as you like. The parties can also be either an individual or a business which covers everything else.

Step 2. You meet with the lawyer for free.

Once a lawyer comes back saying that they are able to act for you, you will be sent and email notifying you that a lawyer has accepted your case based on the conflict of interest check. When you log back into your account you will see the lawyers details in your "mycase" section.

Your nect task is that you need to ring the lawyer and make an appointment to meet with them to discuss your case. Your lawyer will not contact you to make the first appointment as it is up to you to take that first step.

This is an important step in the whole process and don't be alarmed if at this point it suddenly starts to feel very real.

Please also remember that your lawyer is there to help and assist you with your case.

When you go to this meeting please take with you as much information as you can  as the lawyer is not going to be as familiar with your case as you are. 

Step 3. If your lawyer thinks you may have a case

If your lawyer thinks that you may have a case, they agree to provide you with a written assessment of your legal options for an agreed fee.

This is why you take as much information with you as possible so that, together, you can make that decision.

Your lawyer is experienced and the more information you supply them the more informed advice they can give you.

You will only proceed to this next step if both you and your lawyer agree to do so, and this will include you agreeing a reasonable fee that you will be required to pay for their services.

The amount of this fee is private between you and your lawyer and NRL does not receive any of this fee.

Step 4. If your lawyer likes your case

If your lawyer likes your case and you both agree to proceed, they will represent you on a “no win no fee” basis or similar depending on the rules in your location.

Remember that just because the case is being represented on a “no win no fee” basis this doesn’t mean that there will be no effort from you. You are the client and therefore know the details of the claim better than anyone and so will be required to have an input into the progress of the case. You will need to provide your lawyer with information, attend meetings and clarify points.

The terms of your “no win no fee” arrangement will be detailed in your agreement with your lawyer and so you should ensure you have carefully read, and are comfortable with them. These terms will also include our fee of 2.5% of any settlement for our service.

The terms of this agreement are private between you and your lawyer and they are not disclosed to NRL.

If you and your lawyer agree to the terms of your arrangement, your lawyer will from time to time keep NRL updated on progress and also on what they believe an estimate of a settlement will be.

Step 5. You only pay your lawyer further fees if they get a settlement for you.

If you get a settlement, then you pay the lawyer their fees as per the agreement.

This is where we also get paid a fee for setting up and administering our service – which is 2.5% of any settlement.

Your lawyer will notify us that there has been a settlement and we will generate an invoice for you which your lawyer will pay to us as a disbursement. This is similar to how a lawyer pays your real estate agent's fees on your behalf when you sell a property.

Now it's time for you to move on from this event and to focus on the rest of your life.